Thursday, March 27, 2008


I am tired. There I said it. Point blank, I am exhausted. It seems that lately I've been getting less and less sleep while doing more and more work. I do not understand why I can't seem to got to bed at a decent hour, but I can't. I just can't. No matter what I do or try, I literally cannot go to sleep before midnight. Some nights I even stay awake until 2 or 3 in the morning. When I complete my homework, I usually watch tv or play video games. During the summer I may choose to read leisurely, but not during the school year. I read so much during the course of a day that I simply do not want to read once my scholarly work is complete. Do my professor's feel that there class is all that matters? Do they feel that we do not have any more work to do? Its seriously gotten to the point where its ridiculous. I'm freaking out here man...

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