Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Are you ready America???

Sitting at home watching the president’s State of the Union address the other night, I couldn’t help but wonder about the current presidential election or I guess at this point, primary election. It seems like almost every day there is a new report on who won what primary, what to watch for in the upcoming Florida primary. The truth is I am terrified about the fast approaching November election. Is this country mature enough to support an African-American or a woman presidency? Better yet, is this country ready for an African-American or female president? I really do not know. I guess at this point all I can do is speculate. In all honesty, it is a matter that I literally go back and forth with on a daily basis. Given our eight year history with President Bush, my immediate opinion is directly swayed to say no. Despite having the lowest approval rating in the history of the U.S. presidency, Bush continues to gather support from several red states, including his home state of Texas. Both Obama and Clinton’s campaigns have been impressive, but my question stems from a deeper concern; something that goes much further than just campaigning. Can American truly recognize these candidates as legitimate candidates when the time comes to vote, and not merely running mates to another unsuccessful republican presidency? And furthermore, will America - and in particular its youth whom this election will most affect down the road - get off its ass and vote?